Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I Got Nothing

Hi Friends!  Well, it's been about two weeks since my last post and I feel bad about that.  If I was a real writer, I would say it was writers block, but I just haven't done anything that exciting to write about.

My workouts have all been good but I can't help but think about what it would feel like to run.  As much as I want to, I am afraid of hurting myself worse than I already have.  I have made some improvements and am now going to PT once a week.  Partly because most of the exercises we do I can do at home and the other part because insurance only will cover me for 15 more visits.  We are being conservative.

One of the things that we do at PT is, to me, crazy.  I have now been put in traction 3 times.  Yes, traction. You know, how they used to torture people in the Middle Ages.  I think then they called it The Rack.  Ok,  kidding aside, this has actually made me feel better, which is a good thing.  I'm just as surprised as you.  During the procedure, I am not in pain and when we are done, I am in less pain then when I walked into the building.  I have recently had more good days then bad, so bring it on.  I am not afraid of you Rack!

Over the weekend, my family and I got to enjoy Cupcake Madness at the Village Inn.  This was our second year and, once again, we were not disappointed.  There were so many great cupcakes and I wish I was able to try every one.  I couldn't, of course, but if you were there with me, you would know that I tried my hardest before I had to give in the towel.  LOL

For those of you wondering if the Tooth Fairy came, she did.  My little man wrote a cute note explaining what happened and she left him $2 in quarters, a carrot and a note telling him that he is not the first to swallow his tooth and that she looks forward to getting his next one.  His next one, by the way, is loose as we speak.  We will keep a closer eye on it this time.

I know most of you are saying to yourself, "a carrot?."  You did not read it wrong.  For some reason, that I cannot explain, my parents thought it was funny to leave a carrot or celery with the money under my pillow.  I wanted to continue the tradition as it is a very fond memory for me.  I am smiling just thinking about it.

So I guess that is more something than nothing. Ok good, I feel better now.  Thanks for reading.

Run strong, think big.


  1. Good to hear from you, Nicole! I have never seen the rack used in pt, how interesting! I'm glad it seems to be helping. Yum, cupcake testing sounds amazing. I've been doing well resisting sweets but we're gearing up for a visit from my family, and I know it's gonna go downhill fast!

    1. Laura, It is not as mid-evil as I made it out to be. Just having a little fun. It is the same idea thought but the actually table is cushioned and nice. I do get strapped down, but not for too long. Yesterday it was 12 minutes. I am still coming down off the sugar and will stay away from it for a while. My family is coming for Easter, so I know how you feel when you say downhill.

  2. I'm glad you're going to PT, but wow, traction! I can imagine with your injury that it must give you some glorious relief! I hope you continue on this positive trend and are back on the road in no time!

  3. So glad you are doing better. Stay positive and you will be back on the track~~~~very soon. Happy for your little man and the nice tradition. Sounds like you have funny parents. LOL

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm glad PT is going well and every session is a step closer to running again. Don't be afraid just take it slow and easy. I like your tooth fairy story, soo cute :)
